Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is your test the right kind of test?

I think that it is really important to make sure that the testing material is appropriate and can benefit the students.
-..teachers can consider the following guidelines (Worthen & Spandel, 1991) to help them determine the benefits and limitations of the test:
  • does the test correspond to the task that it measures?
  • does the score approximate the students' ability?
  • how cant he score be supplemented with other information?
  • does the test drive the curriculum?
  • is the test a fair example of the students' skills and behaviors?
  • are tests that involve minimum standards being used to make critical decisions regarding classification of students? (202)
It is so important for so many reasons to make sure that the tests given have a purpose and are going to measure the fields you need because giving a test to give a test and not have any benefit to you or the student is just discouraging to them and zero help to your lesson.

Diaz-Rico, L.t. & Weed K.Z. (2010) The Crosscultural Langauge, and Academic Development Handbook. Pearson Education. Inc.

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